As a new Catholic that is always studying and Learning, reinforcement and better understanding of my faith always helps.
The Eucharist is at the very core of our Catholic faith
I hope to get help in explaning it clearly to others.
I’ve a couple of Dr. Scott Hahns books
Given your distribution, this survey is going to skew far away from the responses/beliefs of the Catholic community at-large. Surveys continue to show that no more than 30% of the Catholic community believes in the real presence. [note - this was the point]
Thank you for fueling Eucharistic revival!
yes ... no doubts ... see the book (Tony's 50,000 Co-incidence miracles "book-1" and page 145 for definite proof.
If Jesus isn’t present in the Eucharist then our faith is in vain.
Until I fully embraced the real presence in Eucharist I didn’t realize how desperately I needed this to be included in my life each day. Eucharist is nourishing, refreshing, transforming, and redeeming. In every expe4ience of Eucharist I am fed, I am led, I am healed,
My belief or previous doubts does not affect the reality of His presence.
Yes, I do believe it. I was well catechized by the Immaculate Heart of Mary Sisters in a Catholic School near Philadelphia.
Truly - if you are Catholic, you believe without doubt. I know what is going around the media. I think it to weaken the Church & it’s members - - to bring doubt into our belief & love of God.
It’s why some Catholics are for “choice”; one choice leads straight to hell.
It’s why you see rainbow flags & support by weak Catholics. A rainbow is the symbol of God’s love after the Great Flood of Noah. Another shot they’ve taken at the Father. Take a sign of his love & twist it into an evil symbol.
Peace of Christ.
Doubters need to know how transubstantiation works in view of the sciences. First exhaust quantum mechanics to transcend physical reality to arrive at the logical necessity of the metaphysical dimension to confect the Eucharist. As a priest, this knowledge is fantastic!
If it wasn't true then going to Mass would not feel as the celebratory event that it is.
No doubts
I do believe in the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist based on my reading of Sacred Scripture and commentaries on this topic, but due to my sinful, human nature, I often need to remind myself of this teaching and reaffirm my belief. Every time I receive the Eucharist I tell myself that, even though this communion wafer tastes like bread, it is really Jesus; His Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity. I also tell God that this is sometimes hard to comprehend, but it is what He told us, and I ask for help with my sometime unbelief.
Jesus said "This is My Body, This is My Blood" do this in remembrance of Me". Jesus doesn't lie.
Yes, but I need assurance
Lord I do believe. Help my and others’ unbelief. I do not believe the Connecticut Catholic Bishops’ Conference should be promoting the hosting a Yale event as sponsored by archdiocesan offices having James Martin as a speaker on ‘prayer’ selling his new book on ‘prayer’ to whose benefit but the one World era of new age believers who deny CHRIST. This is a SACRILEGE and should be HALTED. STOP! Even the devils pray. Saint Ephrem pray for us! Saint Ephrem who audited and stopped the diabolical incantations in the prayer books of the 8th and 9th centuries STOP EUCHARISTIC ABUSES AND CONFUSIONS
I am Reform Christian(Left the Roman church/Now Episcopalian) and I 100% believe without a doubt Jesus is alive in all Christian churches and branches where there is faith and love to God and His Holy Truth.
I look at the priests in WW2 in Dachau they had sawdust bread and rotten water yet they still at great risk said mass and used what little bread they had to live on for Holy Commune.
I believe God truly only cares about the hearts not what type of food nor where mass is said for the simple fact he lives in the tabernacle of his true followers hearts forever who love him more than there life and the world itself
Fulton sheen in his Book a priest is not his own perfectly describes how and why a church and lack of devotion is rooted in a priest behavior.
Why should people believe in God in piece bread when they are spiritual blind and feed wrong soul food from a Luke warm priests and failed by a church lack of leadership? I left because I could see only wolves and lions fighting in the Roman Church and I needed God and to be welcome at Holy Commune not judged.
Yes, I believe the Holy Eucharist is actually the Body and Blood of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, and NOT a. representation thereof
I believe in the Real Presence in the Eucharist, but I wish I can feel His Presence more and I wish I would be more reverent.
How sad so many Catholics think it is symbolic
Shocking that someone might answer No. Expect Ct Catholic Men's conference will change all participants to be more certain of their faith.
Jesus says it clearly in John chapter 6, St. Paul says it clearly in his epistles, the first apostles and early Church Fathers who personally knew the apostles have clearly said it and there are many Eucharistic miracles over the centuries to help those who need reassurance.