Contact [email protected] if you would like to share your skills with the committee and join us. There is a selective invitation process which is consistent with our goals. We are 100% volunteer. Our Mission is: To bring together Catholic men, renewing their faith in Christ in an inspiring, motivational, prayerful atmosphere. The result will be stronger men fulfilling their mission as husbands, fathers, and brothers in Christ who help renew their parishes through apostolic works. We are here to serve the Catholic men's community with a persistent goal of providing the most spiritually enhancing, Catholic teaching/tradition and Adoration plus two sacraments: Eucharist & Reconciliation.
Credit for the 2023 poster design goes to graphic artist Kelsey Doherty.
Credit for the beautiful painting used in the 2023 poster (Catholic priest next to a monstrance & Blessed Michael McGivney in background) goes to artist David Verdosci.
Credit for printing the poster goes to Deacon Rick Lawlor.